Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I really want to do a major whine-fest about work, but I will refrain from doing so.

I could also easily have a whine-fest about this weather, and by golly, I think I will. It's too damn cold out!! We haven't had a break from these frigid temps in so long I'm not sure when the temps actually went above 15 degrees, and for the most part it has remained in single digits, oftentimes below that lovely zero point. This morning it was -6 on my way to work. 

I wish I was a bear so I could sleep through all this shiz and wake up when it's hot out.

The Polish Sickness Facebook has gone crazy!! I was pretty much stuck at something like 975 followers when all of a sudden I noticed I was getting a bunch of new page likes. It was weird. Somebody finally sent me a private message explaining that someone that runs a nail page likes my stuff so they started sharing a bunch of my fingers over on that page. I've gained almost 200 followers in the past few days.

In the time it took me to write that last sentence, I got 15 new notifications over there. It's insanity. The one page has over a million followers, and that goofy ass decal mani from the other day has almost 7,000 views. Um, what the what? People are going through all of my pics and sharing them like crazy. 

It's pretty amazing to me, and I'm way flattered. My Instagram followers have increased by quite a few, too. I wish I had more time so I could make that dang page more interesting with stuff other than my blog link. If any of you are friends of mine or likers of the page and would like to contribute on the Polish Sickness Facebook page, send me a message over there because I'd love to have you post nail stuff!! 

All of that has led me to feel like I really need to put my other leg over the horse and start doing my nails more often. 

I was going to do a water marble last night, but I got two new MoYou plates yesterday before the mailbox was destroyed. (and yes, I'm still pissed about that)
OPI Taupe-Less Beach, OPI Get in the Espresso Lane, MoYou Fashionista 04 stamp
This is off of the MoYou Fashionista 04 plate. It's a great plate. It feels like they made the design area a smidge bigger on this one. It fully covered my thumb without issue.

The base for this is OPI Taupe-Less Beach, stamped with OPI Get in the Espresso Lane.

Love the plate; love the mani. I don't have a single critical thing to say about this one.

First time for everything, right?


  1. Congrats on all the new page likes!! WooHoo!! I can't seem to get ahead on IG hahaha :) Give me some love! hahaha

    1. I think it's all about tagging on Instagram. I always look at one of mine from the computer while I tag from my phone. That way I don't miss any. You're allowed 30. Maybe copy my tags; I might use some you don't and that could help!!
      I wish I had your FB page number!!
      (in the end, does it even really matter? I don't see us getting rich or anything)

    2. Not getting rich at all.. more like the poor house for BUYING.ALL.THE.POLISH!!! hahaha
      I do use your tags and copy from your pix! :) And others, too!!! :) I love my FB numbers! WooHoo

  2. Oh.........and I love this mani!!! MoYou plates are some of the best ones to work with, for me... I find I need them to be etched deeper/better than some of the plates that aren't as sturdy!!

    1. I love the MoYou plates, too! I've been a naughty girl buying plates when I shouldn't be. I think I have more coming, but I don't even know from where. I got the all snowflake Moyou, too.

    2. I got 4 of the festive plates... :) Did I use them yet???? BIG FAT NO!! haha

  3. Oh my God! No complaints or criticisms about your mani? I need to get to the shelter, the world is going to stop spinning.

    Who's your buddy? I think it's a fun mani.

    1. What buddy? You've managed to confuse me, not that it's hard to do.
      And yes....NO complaints. So there!! Brat!!
