Wednesday, August 28, 2013


GROSS!! It was flying ant day yesterday.  I really hate flying ant day.  Some of you probably have no clue what I'm referring to, but there is usually one day/evening during the summer where flying black ants take to the sky....and they're disgusting. It kind of looked like there was a smidge of snow falling as I looked out my kitchen window. Get up today, none.

So that's why I (and some others) call it flying ant day. It makes you not want to go outside cuz' they run into you, land on you, just generally annoy you. So that meant no hummingbird time for me last night. No way in hell I was sitting out there with those creatures.

Then today I go home for lunch and bring the feeder in to refill it, and when I try to rehang it, a damn wasp wanted to "help". I backed away, feeder still in hand, but every time I'd think he left, he'd show right back up the second I tried to hang it. Kev finally came out and did it. Bastards.  So here's hoping for tonight.

Last night I remembered a shirt that I bought a couple of years ago. Totes forgot that I have it and couldn't figure out where it even was. After going through my closet one item at a time, I finally found it. I wanted to do a splatter mani to go with it.

I had done this once before for this shirt and had great luck. I used a straw and just blew the polish on. For some reason I could not get it to work last night. 

I finally gave up and just slapped the polish on using the edges of the straw.  I don't dislike it, but I'm calling this a fail because it didn't do what it was supposed to do.  I even included some shots with the shirt!
Color Club Blue Ming, Julep Susie, Sinful Colors Island Coral and Poudre, 10 Professional The Little Black Dress splatter

I did a basecoat of white using NYC French White. Then I just added little splotches of Color Club Blue Ming, Julep Susie, Sinful Colors Island Coral, Sinful Colors Poudre and 10 Professional The Little Black Dress.

I like every one of these colors in general. For my toes I just used the Blue Ming. I had no desire to splatter my tootsies.

So I guess I will call this a semi-fail instead of a fail. But only because it still looks good with the shirt even if it didn't get splattered and splotchy like I wanted.

Whatever. I'm kind of thinking I don't much care right now. I'm already pondering what to do next.


  1. Ewww! It's weird that flying ant day is a different day here than it is there... Lol I'm guessing it will be soon though! Gross!

  2. Flying ants come in massive swarms here, they always manage to get in the house and circle the light, I get out the hoover and suck them up out of the air! Love the mani and love that you showed the smatchyness of it against the shirt! You have every colour varnish under the sun so when you say you smatched I'm always sure you get it perfect, now I have proof!

    1. Oddly enough, even with over 1000 polishes, sometimes I still can't get a perfect smatch. lol

  3. This looks great! I love these colours together and the pattern is fab!
