Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Wow. I am so glad I had today off. It's the first day I've been home alone for something like ten days. And I'm a person that needs time alone to stay sane.

Unfortunately I spent it with a headache, and that sucks. So it was one of those lame-ass wasted days where I spent part of it dozing off and on, not really accomplishing much.  The only things I did were clean the puppy pen and make cookies.

I did get more sleep last night. The puppies only got me up one time, which was awesome! I look forward to the day when I can permanently go back to sleeping in my actual bedroom.

I won't kill you with a ton of pictures (and believe me, I could), but I will post a couple along with this YouTube clip to see a cute bit I caught yesterday.

So  yeah, I do have to post a few actual pictures.

It's so amazing to watch their little personalities develop, even at only 9 days old. I think a couple of them are going to be hell on wheels.

I also did find time to do a mani the other night. I just made sure to do it while Kev was still here because you just know those puppies would have needed something while my nails were wet if he hadn't been here.
Sally Hansen Color Foil Minted Metal, Square Hue Patty's Pint, DRK-A stamp
One of things I like about the Sally Hansen Color Foils is that they dry really, really fast. This one is Minted Metal. Then I just did a quick stamping with Square Hue Patty's Pint and DRK-A plate.

Now I'm off to clean the puppy pen again. In typical form, I cleaned it and 15 minutes later one or more of the brats made a mess. My washing machine is really getting a workout trying to keep up.

Those little gold bundles are worth every second. I don't even want to think about them leaving to go to their forever homes 8 weeks from now.

Tears will flow.

Monday, July 28, 2014


What a week last week was. Between the new pups, Tyler in town all week and Griff's birthday on Saturday, it was a lot busier than it usually is in my household. Tyler is heading back to Illinois today and Kev goes back to work tomorrow. It's going to be weird being alone.

I'd say it's going to be "quiet", but that just isn't the case with the 7 puppies. Lordie, they can make some racket! I'm anxious for their eyes to open so when they wander off they can find their way back to Tinlee. If it weren't for the fact that we are constantly rescuing them, I wouldn't feel the need to stay in the living room 24/7.  I'm a complete basket case thinking about having to leave them for work tomorrow. It'll help knowing I can watch them from the puppy cam, and I know they'll be fine because they are big enough to not get smothered by mom, but still....

I can't believe they are already a week old. I don't know if I like that. I have a feeling that 8 weeks is going to go by wayyyy to quickly, and I'll have to send them home with other people. I won't like it. At all. The owner of Tinlee's brother already has her plane ticket booked to come up on September 25th to pick up her girl. We've become great friends since I got Tinlee and she got Taylor, so it's going to be awesome meeting her in real life and having her at my house for a day. Plus it's a wonderful feeling knowing that the pup is going somewhere that I know she will be loved and spoiled rotten.

Sadly, amidst all of the good, fun stuff that's happening, I was saddened to learn of one old friend passing away yesterday after a battle with cancer. I also learned of another good friend from way back when that passed this morning.  They were both completely wonderful people, and it breaks my heart that they have been taken way too soon from their families.  Sometimes life just isn't fair at all.

As for nails, geez! I've been having a hard time thinking of things to do! Evidently I am no longer capable of doing a successful water marble, which is really pissing me off. I think I've tried on three separate occasions where I've given up on it. Maybe I don't have the patience I used to have, but I do think I've been giving up quicker on those. I used to spend hours to get them done. Since I had finally gotten pretty proficient at doing them, it's annoying as hell to feel like I'm a newbie at it again.

Luckily I at least have that new DRK plate to play with.  
Julep Nan, DRK D stamp
This Julep Nan is an odd color. I don't know if it's red or a weird shade of orange. It kind of caught my attention amidst my reds because it doesn't quite fit in as red, but it also doesn't seem to fit in the orange drawers. What a dilemma!! 

Whatever it is, I used it along with the DRK D stamp and some black to do this little number. Didn't love it; didn't hate it. There just isn't anything special about it.

That's sort of how I've been feeling about every mani I've been doing. I guess I'm in a summer slump or something. 

Even if I snap out of the slump, those cute little golden colored bundles will be taking up my time....instead of golden colored nail polish.

Saturday, July 26, 2014


Wow. Newborn puppies are exhausting! I didn't realize when I got myself into this that it truly was like having a real baby. Sleeping at night is still intermittent, and I've spent the last two nights on the couch trying to sleep, "trying" being the operative word in this sentence.

Not only is the not sleeping difficult, leaving the house is also problematic. Today was Griffin's 4th birthday party, and since I don't dare leave them alone yet, Kev and I went to the party in shifts. Geez, at least with a human baby you can pack the diaper bag and go.

I was nervous just taking a shower today after Kev had gone for his party shift. This has got to get easier, right? Luckily the cuteness makes up for a whole lot of inconvenience.

 I mean, seriously....just look at those faces!!

Griffin was very specific this year about his color scheme for his birthday. Blue and black. He wanted 10 blue presents from his grampa; he wanted a blue and black semi truck cake; and he wanted his Gramma Diane to do blue and black nails.
You'd actually be surprised how much he takes notice of things like my nails. It's pretty hilarious. Very often he asks to see them and then says, "Oh, those are really cute, Gramma". He also happens to think my Coach purse is very cute. The kid is hilarious and owns my heart.

So of course I had to do my nails last night with blue and black. And when I got to the party, I got an "Oh my gosh! Those are cool, Gramma!"  So yeah....if the kid asks for specific nails, he's gonna' get 'em.
Zoya Blu, DRK-D stamp
I went with my favorite light blue, Zoya Blu. I grabbed my American Apparel black to stamp with, and I used my brand spankin' new DRK-D plate. Since Ninja Polish is no longer, I kind of figured I would never get another DRK plate. Even when Ninja was still around, the D plates only came as rulers. You couldn't get all the designs on one big plate like the others. I didn't want to buy them that way.

One of my nail buds posted a link a couple of weeks ago that showed the full DRK-D designs on one plate. I wasn't even aware before that you could buy directly from DRK. Duh. Why I  never thought to check into that before is beyond me. At any rate, I bought it immediately. And if they make an E, F or any other letter of the alphabet, I'm getting those, too! I just love them!

Now I am going to change the blanket in the puppy pen. Again. I seem to be doing a lot of that. My washing machine is going to get a real workout in the next two months.

Thursday, July 24, 2014


I'm already feeling so guilty for not posting much, and now my time will be even more compromised. As much as I love my nails, puppies trump nails. Every time.

I was getting so anxious waiting for Tinlee to have those puppies. Just excited and nervous all at the same time. Worried about the whole process going smoothly, worried about healthy pups and really worried for the Tinster. If anything had happened to her.....I won't even go there.

So on Sunday she was really getting restless so it was high alert time at my house. Between 8 and 9 p.m. it was pretty obvious that things were slowly starting. She just didn't know what to do with herself. Finally it became obvious that the only way she was going to relax at all was if I closed us both up in the whelping box. Now, it is a very nice whelping box, but it really isn't made for a person to stay in. 

And stay in it I did. From 11:00 p.m. Sunday night and pretty much non-stop for the next 24 hours, although I did sleep in the recliner from 3 to 4 a.m. on Sunday night because she managed to fall asleep on the kitchen floor for that long. 

I guess it was around 3:45 on Monday afternoon that her contractions began in earnest. She was really trying but nothing was really happening. Luckily I was chatting on Facebook with Tinlee's breeder so she was talking me through things. At one point I looked closely, and all I saw peeking out was a tail. Not good. Not only was it just a tail, it was a tail with no sac around it. Can you say "panic"?

It was at that point that the breeder told me I would have to reach in and try to pull that puppy out. This did not sound good to me at all, but I knew it had to be done. So I did exactly what she told me, and I could feel the puppy. And all I could think was that there was no way I could do this with these damn nails. 

Luckily my daughter was with me throughout this whole thing, and I just looked over at her and told her she'd have to do it. This was not something she wanted to hear. Sorry, other option. If that puppy doesn't get the hell out of dodge, we're going to lose it and very possibly the entire litter.

She got right on it. She wiggled around in there trying to find a way to grab that puppy while I massaged Tinlee's spine to bring on contractions, and after not too long a time she got that puppy out at 4:54 p.m. And he came out perfect, all 1 lb, 3 oz of him. My girl is a frickin' hero.

After that things started moving, and she had 2 more within the next hour. Then it was another hour before she had her 4th, and that one was breech, too.  The labor for her was slower because of that, but she came out just fine. And good thing because it was only 8 minutes before the next one came. During the next 2 hours she had 2 more, and then it was another hour before she had #8, another breech little girl, and she was stillborn. Devastating. I rubbed and rubbed and did mouth to mouth, but there just wasn't anything I could do.

So at the end of the night we had 4 boys and 3 girls, all healthy and happy and adorable.

All in all, it was exhausting for all of us. I think I was up for something like 45 hours straight after having about 4 hours sleep the night before it all began, and about 24 of those hours were spent sitting in a box in the living room.  I felt like I was hit by a bus. No, make that a train. 

It was all worth it, though. They are just so sweet and cute I just want to eat them. Tinlee is a great little mommy.  

I am streaming the litter live on Ustream starting pretty early in the morning until quite late at night. They aren't much fun to watch at this point, but in a couple of weeks when their eyes are open and they're playing, it will be great. Actually, a puppycam is where I found Tinlee. :)

So here's a link to my Golden Retriever cam if you'd like to check them out!

Nails will be taking a bit of a back seat for awhile, but I'm sure I'll still manage to do at least a couple of mani's a week.  Here's one I did last week.
American Apparel Peacock, Venique Pearlicious Aqua, MoYou Sailor XL 04 stamp
The base teal is American Apparel Peacock, and then I stamped using Venique Pearlicious Aqua and the MoYou Sailor XL 04 stamp. I wanted the waves to have a shimmer. That Venique also has a smidge of a color change, too, kind of a pinkish tint when the light hits it. It's kind of cool.

Now I'm off to catch up on some more work. I took off Monday for the puppy birthing, and I took off on Tuesday to recuperate. I needed it. I actually need more time because those silly pups have a tendency to slither off to parts unknown away from their mom, and then they start crying because they can't figure out how to get back.

We're kind of taking turns sleeping in the living room until they can actually be left alone. I took Monday night and was up every hour. Kev has been sweet enough to take the last two nights because I had to work. Tonight I'll let him get a decent night's sleep, and it'll be me getting up every hour.

As far as sleep deprivation, it's kind of like having a real baby. Or seven.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Since I am endlessly going to torment you with our recent remodeled stuff, I will once again put the mani first.

Before that, though, let me bitch for just a sec. I really don't hold any grudges against the fall season. Really I don't. Some of the fall days are beautiful.

Unless, of course, they occur in July. I am calling bullshit on this bullshit. Two days in a row in the 50's, windy and cold enough that I need a fall coat? Really? Screw you, Mother Effing Nature. You suck at life. And you suck even worse at weather.

Now, on to something a bit perkier. Coral.
Sinful Colors Island Coral, Loreal Precious Coral, MoYou Pro 01 stamp
It's obvious I did this one awhile ago just based on the lack of a tan. LOL

The base color is Sinful Colors Island Coral with Loreal Precious Coral for the MoYou Pro 01 stamp. It's okay. It is at least peppier than this weather.

Now for some more (boring for you, probably) house stuff. I just have to post pics of all we're doing after all the bitching I did while doing it.
Kev had refinished the deck a couple of years ago, but man, it just did not hold up at all. Baylee's toenails are large and hard as rocks and cause SO much damage.

This is what was done. Originally we had gotten an estimate to just get white vinyl railings. Just for that the estimate was something like $2,400. We were still going to do it.

Then when we were at Menard's one day, I suggested we go take a look at the white vinyl. Once I saw it and felt it, I hated it. It felt so cheap to me. We saw these other resin type posts and railings, and even though they were quite a bit more expensive, we really liked them. Then as I wandered a bit more I found that you could buy planks of that stuff that would go right on top of the existing deck boards.

We went home and once Kev did the pricing, he figured if he did all the work himself, we could do the entire deck for about $500 more than just the vinyl railing. No brainer.

Then when it came time to actually order that stuff, he found what he ultimately ended up using. Same type of thing but it replaced the boards instead of covering them. This def was the right thing to do. Our deck is so not level and so not square that putting boards on top would have been more than a little problematic.

It really isn't completely finished. There will soon be lattice-work that goes on the sides so there isn't access to under the deck. 

Hopefully it gets done very soon. I have no intention of crawling under there to catch puppies. It's dirty and gross and disgusting and has bugs, I'm sure. I've also seen a snake or two under there in the past. So thanks.

I love it so much. We bought the solar lights for all of the posts, and it looks so pretty at night. 

Just one more pic; this is the addition to our garage. We've wanted a shed for a very long time to keep the lawn tractor and snow blower, and we decided to just add on to the garage instead. It holds the big things, and Kev is putting up shelves in there, too.
It's not very exciting, but it sure is a nice addition, and our fave construction guy did a great job matching 18 year old siding. He also did the entire thing in less than a day. That man is crazy good.

Pretty soon I'll run out of pictures of the house to show you. All that's left is my new bedroom floor, and I haven't gotten around to taking pictures of that yet.

But don't worry, I will!

Monday, July 14, 2014

BATHROOM - DONE!! (VERY pic heavy)

I'm just going to go right ahead and show the mani first. That way if you so choose, you can just skip going on to all the bathroom pictures, especially those of you who already saw them all on Facebook.

I had the hardest time thinking of something to do the other night. I kind of just perused my polish drawers looking for something I hadn't used in awhile until I came across this neutral. Then it took me another three hours to decide what the hell to do on top of it.
Zoya Amminah, MoYou Pro 10 stamp
This is Zoya Amminah. I don't remember buying this one. *shrug*
I do like it. It has kind of an opalescent shimmer that isn't really showing in the pictures. I decided to go with something black and kind of frilly for the stamp, and I really like how it turned out. The stamp is from the MoYou Pro XL 10 plate.  That Zoya looks pretty good all by itself on my tootsies, too.

On to the finished (finally) bathroom! First up, the pics of what the craptastic (see what I did there?) bathroom looked like when we bought the house.

Holy hideousness, right? Seriously; who puts cream colored carpeting in an effing bathroom. AND this exact same carpeting and blue vanity top was also in the other bathroom.  Not only that, who puts cream colored carpeting up the side of a tub surround. I'll tell ya' who, the cheap bastards that built the house. That's who.

Last summer I decided I was just so sick of looking at that hideous cobalt blue that I went online and looked for something to get rid of it without spending a shit ton of money. I found Gianni countertop refinishing stuff and Rustoleum Cabinet Transformations and went to work. So last July 2nd, this is what we had.

Since we weren't looking to spend a ton, I was very pleased with the fake marbling I did and the change over to black cabinetry. I was also completely in love with that sink. SO cute!

We didn't bother getting a new shower at that point because I refused to buy anything new that would get stained by our gross water.

I'm going to assume you've already read about the trials and tribulations of the bathroom remodeling we've done over the past couple of months and just post the finished product.

There's my brand new, shiny, white shower. I love it but keeping completely clear glass spot free was making me kind of crazy. I bought a squeegie to use after every shower. When I told Kev that we had to do that, he said he was never  using that shower again. Obvi he was kidding, and he's pretty much been quite the little squeegie expert since we got it.

That's my new black vanity with the nice built-in sink. I can't think of what it's called when it's smoothly connected. Whatever. I like it more than I thought I would. I was really attached to that other sink I bought. We couldn't have used it anyway since we now actually have a standard sized vanity instead of the mini version.

And here is a good shot of the new flooring and the bathtub. I want to make out with that bathtub. Judging from the comments on Facebook, I am not alone in that feeling.

So there you have it. As I was hoping, all the trouble did turn out to be worth it in the end.  It's nice walking into that bathroom and not wanting to run screaming in the opposite direction.

And who knows; maybe someday I'll actually try out that tub. I'm not a bath person at all. I think I tried the garden tub one time in 12 years. Now I feel almost obligated to plop my happy ass in there at least once.


Thursday, July 10, 2014


Things are gonna' get very busy around here in a few weeks. My Golden Retriever, Tinlee, is expecting. I'm excited and nervous about it because there's a lot involved to it. Hopefully everything will go smoothly, and I'm surely going to be posting a ton of pics as time goes on.

I'm also all set up to do a live feed puppy cam over on Ustream. A puppy cam is actually where I found Tinlee, completely by accident. I wasn't even looking for a dog to buy at the time. Once I started chatting with the people there and found out she was only 3 hours away, it took me all of 5 seconds to convince Kev that we "needed" a puppy.

Bright and early tomorrow morning my bathtub is getting installed. Yay!! Other than a couple of small details, that will pretty much wrap up the bathroom remodel. Before and after pics will get posted here soon.

It's pink week over in nail group so I thought I'd participate using one of this month's Square Hue polishes.
Square Hue Placa Catalunya, Essie  No Place Like  Chrome, Ninja Polish DRK-C stamp
I actually considered leaving it plain but just couldn't bring myself to do it. I am, however, kicking myself square in the ass for not taking a picture before I stamped it. I always think of that after it's too late.  Genius is me.

Anywho, this is Square Hue Placa Catalunya.  I tried using the Sally Hansen Color Foil silver to stamp, but that didn't work at all. My stamper wouldn't even pick up the pattern from the plate.

Because of that, I went with the tried and true Essie Mirror Effect No Place Like Chrome. Those mirror effect polishes are just the absolute best for stamping. Period.

The stamp is from the Ninja Polish DRK-C plate. We know I can't go wrong with that.

Now I'm off to either a) clean the house, or b) make something for supper.  

I'm tired from not sleeping well last night because of multiple nightmares, so I think I'll choose "b". There's a nice steak in the fridge calling my name.

Monday, July 7, 2014


I hope your 4th of July weekend was fun. Mine was pretty busy, although "busy" may be a relative term since part of busy involved laying around in the pool for 3 hours on Thursday, 2 hours on Friday and 4 hours on Saturday. lol

Griffin also got into town Thursday night. Bob dropped him off at my house on Friday so he could attend my annual family cookout. After that I dropped him off at his other grampa's where he was then picked up by his dad to go to the fireworks. Kid had a busy day.

On Saturday he came over in the afternoon and then spent the night. Even though it was late in the day he still wanted to go in the pool because that kid loves the water. Too cold for me at that time of day, so Grampa Kev went in with him. He had a ball until he was so cold his lips were turning purple. Finally convinced him to get out, warm up and get dressed. We figured he was done with that for the day, but we were mistaken. An hour or so later he wanted to go swimming again, and Mr. Good Sport Kev took him back in for awhile. After that it was Pizza Hut for dinner, a walk around the neighborhood and helping me water the flowers.

Such a good kid. After playing inside for awhile and watching some Adventure Time, he just vegged out on grampa's lap for a bit. He was really starting to look sleepy. When I asked him for the 5th or 6th time if he was ready for bed, he said he was ready. Off he went, 6 cars in hand to line up in bed with him. I left the room, and 2 minutes later he asked for his semi truck. Good Lord. Of course I grabbed the wrong one so I let him go and find it on his own.

He was all tucked in and quiet, but neighbors at a couple of different houses started doing fireworks. And they do real ones, not legal ones, the kind you actually see way up in the sky. After some of the louder ones, I'd hear him tell me from his bed, "oh, that was a big one!"  I seriously want to eat him with a spoon he's so cute.

He left yesterday morning so the house is very quiet again. It's actually good that he left because I was really sick all day. I'm still not feeling great yet, but at least I'm functioning. All I did yesterday was nap on and off and eat Tums. I didn't even pick up the laptop.

I had planned to do my nails, but that obviously didn't happen either. But at least I do have this one to show.
Sally Hansen Color Foil Leaden Lilac, China Glaze Queen B, LeaLac B stamp
I had gotten 8 of the 10 Sally Hansen Color Foils, and this was the first one I used. It's Leaden Lilac, and I love it. I pretty much love all of them. I used my China Glaze Queen B for the LeaLac B stamp.                                                             

And then I ran around the house trying to get the color to photograph. No luck with that at all this time around, not even in the bathroom.  I had to wait until the next day to get a picture outside, and even that was difficult. I did finally manage to get this one, though.

I was happy with this one, and the Color Foil wore very well.

I think that's about all I have to report today. I don't really have anything major to bitch about, believe it or not. Nobody has pissed me off in something like 4 days now.

Shocking, but true.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


So much for my great week. 

I was so excited that Tyler was coming home for the weekend, and now that's not happening. She hurt her back somehow and won't be going anywhere. She has no clue how she did it, but I won't even try to describe it because it's just so messed up. The doc asked if she'd been in a car accident and told her the last time he saw someone with a back like that, they came into his office in a wheelchair. So yeah, riding in a car for 6 hours is for sure not the thing to be doing.

I feel horrible for her. She is not a kid that likes to be laying around doing nothing. She also isn't a wuss so I know if she says she's hurting, she is really hurting. So I'm saddy-pants over that today. I'm not sure yet if Bob will still come with Griffin, which would still be awesome, but I need me some Tyler-time. :(

Today is the day I finally get my new bathroom vanity. This should have made a very happy start to my morning. I got up and got ready for work for the last time in Tyler's bathroom.  They were supposed to be there at 8 a.m. so I could meet with them before leaving for work at 8:35.

Well, gee! Guess who didn't show up? They still weren't there when I left at 8:40. Tried calling the shop, but of course they aren't open that early. So I left a fairly snarky note on the door for them when I left. If I get home at noon and find something wrong, there's going to be some serious hell to pay. I'm SO over dealing with the companies in this town.  Or maybe I should just get a job with one of them so I can also get paid for showing up whenever I damn well feel like it, if I show up at all. 

I'm also getting pretty pissed about the fact that the ceiling guy isn't coming over to do the ceilings. I'm kind of wondering if he's planning to do it in this lifetime. I really need my carpets cleaned but don't want to do it before that job is done. We've been waiting months for that now, too. I may have Kev get some other quotes, but this guy gave us such a good price, I may be held hostage by that.

I haven't done a 4th of July mani yet. Actually, I don't even know if I will. I'm just not feeling very festive at the moment. I'm still wearing the pastel/black marble at the moment, but this is one I did last week. 
Sally Hansen Color Foil Leaden Lilac, China Glaze Queen B, LeaLac B stamp
I love this color blue so much! It's Sally Hansen Lustre Shine Scarab. I tried a couple of different things for stamping, none of which were doing what I wanted them to do. After doing the stamping with the Sally Hansen Satin Glam Teal Tulle, I just left it. It did show up better in person than I could catch in pictures. The stamp is from my LeaLac C plate.

I hope you all have something fun planned for the holiday weekend. For me, it's just a cookout at my sister's, which is an annual thing.

Today I'm going home at noon, and the afternoon will be spent in the pool. I cleaned the house last night in preparation for the company that I am not going to get, so now I'm just going to be lazy. 

Tonight I will put my bathroom back together. Hopefully next week the plumber can come to install the new tub, and then that bathroom will be finished. 

Crap. Except for the ceiling. *sigh*

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


I am happy to say that on Thursday morning our new bathroom vanity is finally being installed. I will be one happy little camper when I can finally move back into my own bathroom. Right now I have all of my bathroom stuff in the spare bathroom and have been getting ready in there. I am not a fan of it. It's just too small for all my junk. Evidently it takes a whole lot of work and product to make myself look presentable, and it seems like the amount of things really show up when there's no place to put them.

Our deck is pretty much finished, too! All that's really left is to put up something on the sides that cover from the bottom to the ground. I can't think of what it's called at the moment. Duh.

I'm also proud to say that all of my flowers have survived so far. Knock on wood. While we were downstate I got some gorgeous lilies from Kev's aunt. I can't think of what kind they are. There were a whole lot of buds that she had hoped would bloom before the party. We brought them home in a bucket, but it was too late to plant them so I left them sitting outside so I could try to figure out where I could put them. When I woke up yesterday morning, some of them had bloomed. It kind of made me panic about planting them once I realized I simply didn't have room by the garage. This makes me sad because that's where I really see the flowers. 

Immediately when I got home after work yesterday, I grabbed my gardening stuff and cleared a spot along the front of the house and got them planted. I hope they live.

Kev put the steps and platform in the pool yesterday, too. Griffin will be here for the 4th of July, and I'm hoping it'll be warm enough for him to swim. At any rate, at least the dogs will now be able to get in and out so they can. Tinlee has been staring at it longingly, so I know she wants in.

After five days of that coral mani, it was def time for a change.  I thought I'd do something I hadn't done in awhile, use clear for marbling.
China Glaze Diva Bride, Color Zone no name, Sinful Colors Bright Lights, WetnWild On a Trip, Sally Hansen Mint Sorbet, sponged water marble
First I painted a coat of Sinful Colors white and then sponged on China Glaze Diva Bride pink, Color Zone no name yellow, Sinful Colors Bright Lights blue, Sally Hansen Mint Sorbet green and WetnWild On a Trip purple.  Once that was dry, I topcoated and then did my water marble with a Sally Hansen clear and Orly Liquid Vinyl.

I'm seriously loving this. If I'd had more time, I would have made the effort to do my toenails, too. That is a time-consuming thing that I've only done once, and since it was after midnight, it just wasn't going to happen.

Since I am pleased with how this worked, I'll probably leave it on for a couple of days. Then again, I do have part of a bathroom to paint so maybe not. 

It depends on if my "neat painter" status stays in tact.  I'm going to figure that if I was ever planning to make a mess while painting, it's obviously going to happen when I'm painting near a brand new floor.

Lattice!! That's what the stuff is called for the sides of the deck!!

Whew!! Brain function restored.