Saturday, February 14, 2015


It is viciously cold here. As in "under a civil emergency" alert for the Upper Peninsula. The temp for most of the day at my house has been right around 0, but the 30 mile per hour winds with 40 mile per hour gusts have made it file like a steamy -25. 

Not the best kind of weather for puppysitting. I feel bad every time Seven and Tinlee want to go outside. Baylee doesn't care about the heat or the cold ever, but poor Seven and Tinlee are out there picking up their feet because they're freezing. And since the puppy plays so hard, she drinks a lot and has to go outside a lot more often than my dogs usually do.

She's still such a little love, but the little love didn't so much want to sleep last night. For some reason she thought jumping on me to play at 3:30 was appropriate. I disagreed. I let her outside and let her chase the laser for a bit to try to wear her out. She then woke me again at 5, 6 and 8, which is when I finally  just said screw it and stayed up.

Tinlee hasn't been too interested in her this time around. Seven has been trying to play more with Baylee, who really isn't interested but she hasn't learned the fine art of staying out of Seven's way. My ex sis-in-law stopped out with Razzie, though, so the siblings got to raise hell for just over an hour. They roughhoused non-stop for the entire time, and Seven completely passed out within a minute of them leaving.  Even I then managed a half hour nap.

Here's the final heart-themed mani I did, and hopefully the last one you'll see for awhile.
Sinful Colors Baby Blues, Morgan Taylor Supra Ultra Violet, Ali Express 12-51 Valentine heart stamp
The lighter purple is Sinful Colors Baby Blues, and the darker purple for the Ali Express 12-51 heart stamp is Morgan Taylor Ultra Violet. This is another one I thought was cute but didn't wear it anywhere.

Seven finally woke up long enough to eat and play for a few minutes but has now gone back to sleep. Methinks I might be in trouble again tonight. I think she's planning to sleep all evening, saving up her energy for 4 a.m.

My dvr is pretty full from being gone last weekend.  Do I keep on watching right now?  Or do I take another nap to prepare for an all-nighter with the pupster? Quite the conundrum.

Geez, I remember when all-nighter meant something completely different. 

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